Take a Huron House Virtual Tour

Walking Tour: Click the walking tour to "walk" through the property like you are there.  Just click to move forward and drag left or right ot view the room.
Doll House: Click the doll house to see a 3D diagram of all the guest rooms.  From the diagram, click on the area you would like to tour.  Then you can click and drag left or right to get a virtual walking tour of the room.

Floor Plan:  Click the floor plant to see a 2D diagram of the floor you indicate.  Click  to the areas you want to see.  Use your mouese to take a virtual tour of the floor plan.

Floor:  Click the up and down arrow to navigate between floors when using the floor plan. 
Full Screen: Click the full screen icon to see the virtual tour in full screen.  Hit the escape button to go back to partial screen.  
Help: Click to get help navigating.  Use the arrows to rotate.  Click the mouse to explore.